Adaptogenic Truffles

Adaptogen Truffles.jpeg

Love in a bite.

Cacao bliss with an adaptogenic boost.

If chocolate is your love language, then you will surely swoon for these vitality-packed cacao adaptogen truffles featuring our Mushroom Chocolate. Made creamy with cashew butter and coconut oil, made barely sweet with maple syrup, and made medicinal with the adaptogens (reishi + eluthero), medicinal mushrooms and heirloom cacao in our Mushroom Chocolate. We promise these truffles will leave you heart-happy and buzzing with bliss.

Two truffles gets you a full serving of Mushroom Chocolate. In fact, we added more cacao powder to the recipe so that you could get more truffles per serving and per batch. We don’t recommend adapting the recipe by subbing straight cacao for the Mushroom Chocolate. You’ll end up with very bitter truffles and the flavor just won’t be right for a few reasons.

This recipe comes together quickly and simply, though give yourself a little time and patience if you’ve never done chocolate dipping before. Or skip the dipping and just roll them in cacao powder if you want to whip up something super fast and easy! This recipe makes 20+ truffles. Feel free to half or double it depending on how many sweeties you plan on sharing with.


1/4 C + 2 Tbsp cashew butter (raw if possible-may sub almond butter)

1/4 C + 2 Tbsp melted coconut oil (+ 1 tsp for dipping chocolate)

1/4 C + 2 Tbsp maple syrup

1/2 Tsp vanilla extract

1 small jar Mushroom Chocolate (~1/2 C)

1/2 C cacao powder

pinch of sea salt

2 C dark chocolate chips (for dipping—you will end up with extra dipping chocolate at the end, but it’s important to have enough for fully immersing the last truffles that you dip).

Rose petals, cacao nibs, dried raspberries or coconut flakes for garnishing.


1. Mix the first four ingredients together in a medium mixing bowl until mixture becomes fully homogenized.

2. Sift in the Mushroom Chocolate and cacao powder. Add the salt. Mix well. Once it’s all come together, spread the chocolate up the sides of the bowl a little bit to help it cool and set.

3. Place the bowl into the fridge for 20 minutes to allow the mixture to firm up. Remove from the fridge and roll the mixture into 20 truffle balls. Each ball will end up being approximately the width of a nickel. Place the balls onto a parchment-lined sheet pan and place into the freezer for 15 minutes. If you are still working on melting the chocolate when 15 minutes is up, move the truffles balls to the fridge until it’s time to dip.

4. In the meantime, start melting the chocolate chips and 1 tsp of coconut oil in a hot water bath. Our preferred method is to fill a narrow-mouthed 16 oz jar with the chocolate chips and coconut oil and place it in a small pot filled with water that goes a little over half-way up the height of the jar. Put the pot on medium low, stirring the chocolate every so often to help with the melting.

5. Once the chocolate is fully melted, remove from the hot water bath and place in the fridge to cool slightly for about 10 minutes. Stir a few times while it’s sitting in the fridge (you can leave the spoon in the jar between stirs).

6. Start dipping the balls! Our favorite method is using toothpicks. Though you can also place the truffles on a fork and dip them that way— gently agitating them over the jar after dipping to let excess chocolate drip off—before sliding them back onto your parchment. For the toothpick method, insert the toothpick into the truffle ball, dip into the chocolate—twirling the ball and/or tilting the melted chocolate jar for full coverage. Once fully covered, slowly twirl the toothpick over the jar so that excess chocolate can drip off. Once it has completely stopped dripping, remove the truffle back to the sheet pan using another toothpick to gently dislodge it. Twirling the dipping toothpick a little may come in handy as you do this.

7. Garnish your truffles immediately after dipping each one before the chocolate hardens. If using the toothpick dipping method, use the garnishes to cover up the toothpick hole.

8. Once all truffles have been dipped, return the tray to the fridge for 20 minutes. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Rachael Keener